It all started in first grade when Cat Johnson won the essay
contest at Hawthorne Elementary School and got to ride in
the Chief of Police's car in the Memorial Day Parade...and
the rest, as they say, is history. As an adult, Cat
generally tries to stay out of police cars and is thrilled
to be writing for a living. She has been published under a
different name in the Young Adult genre, but released her
first romance in 2006. Today, she is a multi-nominated,
award-winning author of more than a dozen published romances
and the voice of All Romance eBooks' weekly BlogTalkRadio
show "What's Hot in Romance".
On a personal note, Cat has horses, far too many cats, a
dog, assorted fish and fowl and one husband and is not sure
which of those gives her the most grief. Needless to say,
she is very busy on her 18th century little farm in New York
State. She plays the harp professionally and stresses this
does not mean she plays well, only that she is paid for it.
A past tour guide, bartender, marketing manager and Junior
League president, Cat's life is quite the dichotomy and on
any given day she is equally as likely to be in formal
eveningwear as in mucking clothes covered in manure. Most
often she is in pajamas on her laptop. Cat looks forward to
hearing from you all.