Jenn, as everyone calls her, likes to keep things simple.
That's why she runs a roofing construction business,
teaches, writes and does her own business taxes eight days a
week. She considers herself a multi-cultural and
well-rounded person. Workers leave her alone when she starts
yelling at them in Chinese and Malay. She also studies
German and Russian because she can't pronounce French very
well. The most boring and interesting thing she ever did was
translating documents from various languages into English,
giving her an opportunity to see many countries. Having
traveled extensively in her twenties, she now spends her
thirties quietly with six noisy dogs.
Shameless Promotion: Jenn was a RWA contest slut, having
finaled in and won a bunch of them including the Marlene,
the Merritt, and Indiana's Golden Opportunity. She is also a
three-time finalist in the RWA Golden Heart contest before
she became published. She would love to hear your comments
about her books. She has been known to give away bookmarks
and stuff to those who praise her.
AND, if your roof leaks, she can probably give you some advice!