RITA award-winner, Kristin Gabriel, got her lucky break
when she won Harlequin's Love & Laughter contest in 1995.
Her first book, Bullets Over Boise (March 1998, Harlequin
Love & Laughter), combined her three favorite elements:
comedy, mystery, and romance. Later, it was selected by
Alliance Productions as one of the Harlequin movies and
premiered on The Movie Channel in, December 1998, under the
new title: Recipe for Revenge.
She won back to back RITA Awards in Best Traditional
Romance for MONDAY MAN (Love & Laughter, Nov. 98) and ANNIE
GET YOUR GROOM (Duets, Aug. 99) and now writes for
Harlequin Temptation well as authoring books for Harlequin
continuity lines such as Trueblood Texas, Cooper's Corner,
and Forrester Square.
Kristin, a transplanted city girl, lives in rural Nebraska
with her husband, three children, a Springer Spaniel and
assorted cats. Adjusting to country life has given her
plenty of fodder for her stories. So have her jobs as a
waitress, telephone operator, and library employee. Her
hobbies include snacking and procrastination.