Linda Thomas-Sundstrom is a native of California, where she
lives with her husband and teaches at a major California
Writing on every slip of paper and napkin since she was a
kid, Linda’s friends finally, and only recently,
convinced her to send something to an agent, who, it turned
out, loved her stuff. The result is that she is now writing
more often, has cut back slightly on her teaching schedule,
and has a book being considered for television.
Linda writes in the genres of fantasy and romance, and at
the moment has two more books in the works in the paranormal
romance genre. She prefers reading and writing dark
historicals, with plenty of gothic-style atmosphere, but on
a challenge from an editor is finding light contemporary
paranormal also a kick to write.
Linda prefers small cars, wide open spaces, mountain vistas,
and lots of trees. She has a newly-built house in the
country, a fondness for British travel (she has been a
Britain travel specialist and guide, and teases of having
driven on almost every single road in England, Scotland, and
Wales), and yes, Linda was a Buffy fan.
Called gothic, dark, atmospheric, sophisticated,
spell-binding, delicious and even yummy, Linda’s
writing might just incite your passion for the paranormal.