Some people fall apart on their 30th birthday, others on
their 40th. For Mari Carr, 34 was the year that took her
down. After she spent the day crying and saying, "I haven't
done anything I thought I would," her husband finally asked
what she'd left undone. Her answer was simple—she
hadn't written a book or decorated her house. "So do it," he
Four years later, the house is sparkling with fresh paint
and new furniture and her computer is jammed full of
stories—novels, novellas, short stories, and
dead-ends. The lesson: it's never too late to achieve a goal
or two!
Librarian by day and mother of two busy middle schoolers,
Mari Carr found her time for writing by squeezing it into
the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is
asleep and the house is quiet.
With the publication of her first book, Erotic
Research, her latest goal—publishing before
40—has been achieved with a couple of years to spare.