Hey! Some of you know me, but for those who don't, let me introduce myself. I love British Victorian history. In what other era can an author include dinosaurs in a romance novel ... and remain true to the times? The Crystal Palace c1854-1936 had a wonderful exhibit of life-sized, sculpted dinosaurs and other exotic exhibits. Think of the Chicago Field Museum and Six Flags of Great America all rolled into one. And while people in other eras indulged in hot sexual exploits--at least, through literature, art and music---the Victorian era left behind the largest collection of erotica of any other time. You know, classics like The Pearl and The Boudoir, all of which are still in print.
In addition to loving paleontology and cool technology, our ancestors heroically fought to advance women's rights---not just to 'vote'---but to gain legal representation so that fathers/husbands/sons couldn't abuse them or lock them up in insane asylums simply because they were women. Warning: my books are driven by real-life history. Patriarchal laws affected women's daily lives, just as they do now. Oh, and my lovers explore the many facets of intimacy through explicit, erotic sex, just like our great-great-great-great-great grandparents did.
So ... History. Dinosaurs. Sex. Law. The Victorians are my kind of people! I hope to make you, too a fan of this underrated and often misrepresented era. Please visit my website at to learn more about my books.