Simon was born in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England (where he still resides), in 1955. He has obtained an M.A. in Modern English and American Literature from Leicester University and he also studied history and has a combined Humanities degree. His writing career started in 1973, when he was a student in London. His first actual sale was a story titled Manslayer, back in 1976, but it didn’t appear till much later; Awake, Awake.... was his first sale to a professional editor, in 1979. Furthermore he sold some six or seven stories to semi-pro magazines before that market disappeared practically overnight.
After years of publishers’ rejection letters, he sold an incredible seven novels in 1988, just two days after he started working at Bilbo’s bookshop in Bath (this after three and a half years of being unemployed!). This was followed in 1989 by two more, and a commission to write the bestselling novelization of the Kevin Costner film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, which has sold more than 370.000 copies.
This all eventually led to the bestselling SF/Space Opera series: The Deathstalker Saga. A series of eight books, of which he himself admits that it kind of got out of hand, since it was supposed to be three 500-page books.......
At the end of 2000 we were finally able to read his long awaited return to Fantasy with the sequel to Blue Moon Rising — Beyond the Blue Moon. His next book was Drinking Midnight Wine. It’s an urban fantasy and can be described as ̴light and charming mad magical.” The Nightside is now on it’s eleventh book (out of twelve) and the newest series The ‘Ghost Finders’ has the first book just published with the second being worked on.