Seven Ways to Lose Your Lover
Berkley Pub Group
July 5, 2006
ISBN-13: 0425209946
Available in: Trade Size
Surefire tips to make him so not into you...guaranteed!
Like so many women, Shane Madison prefers to be nice, and hates confrontation. But also like a lot of women, sometimes Shane just wants a guy to hit the road, and fast. The solution: get them to break up with her. She started honing her techniques after the first guy she dumpedway back in eleventh gradethrew a baseball bat at her car, and since then she's become a master at getting men to make the first move (in the other direction). She's even shared her secrets with her girlfriends.
But some men, it turns out, just aren't made for dumping. And Shane's kick-him-to-the-curb advice might just come back to kick her in the you-know-what, when she starts dating a gorgeous new guywho, unbeknownst to her, is out for a little revenge after his last girlfriend took Shane's advice....
OK, first the hard part: pronunciation. Alesia is pronounced uh-LEE-suh (or exactly like it would be pronounced if it were spelled Lisa with an A on the front of it. That silent I has been the bane of her existence for 30 years.)
Holliday - yes, the rumor is that she's related to Doc Holliday. Alesia's dad was a world-ranked shooting champion, but she's never tried to shoot anything or anyone except with a water pistol, so who knows? And wasn't Val Kilmer great in that movie? Who knew huckleberry could be a scary word?
Alesia grew up all over the world and even lived in Turkey for two years and the Philippines for another two years. Just when you'd think she'd know better, she married Navy Guy and became resigned to putting roller skates on her furniture.
After a lot of angst over the fact that she really wanted to be a writer, she went for a real (read: boring) job and graduated from The Ohio State University and then graduated summa cum laude (rough translation: with much student loan debt) from Capital Law School, in Columbus, Ohio.
Alesia spent several years as a trial lawyer in complex class action and mass tort litigation, which means you never actually go to trial, you just sit around with a lot of old guys who tell you how great it was in the good old days when they tried three cases a day in the snow, uphill both ways. She wrote legal briefs that read like comedies, which might explain why she never made partner.
Her first book, E-MAIL TO THE FRONT, shared embarrassing personal stories with people and generated fan letters like "I laughed so hard I snorted pasta sauce out my nose." Causing people to spew foodstuffs out of their noses has been a personal goal ever since.
Addicted to making people laugh (and shed the occasional tear), when Alesia really, really couldn't keep the voices of all those fictional people locked in her head anymore, she started writing their stories. And look what that got her - a day job where she gets to work in her pajamas! She burned her pantyhose.
Now she lives in Florida, very near the beach, with her research department (and husband) Judd, two very short people who keep claiming she's their mother, and her pug puppy, Daisy. She's probably either hard at work on her next book, shopping for the perfect pair of high heels, or sneaking out for a movie-break lunch at this very moment . . .
Photo by: Brant Photographers, Inc.