The Marriage Test

Convent of the Brides of Virtue series

by Betina Krahn

Berkley Pub Group (Sensation)

May 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0425196453

Available in: Paperback

The Marriage Test
by Betina Krahn

Orphaned at a young age, Julia of Childress has become the angel of the kitchen at the Convent of the Brides of Virtue. She may be renowned for her whipping up meals that make any mouth water, but altJulia wants is a kitchen of her own-and a husband for whom to cook. Unfortunately, the abbess has other plans-such as transforming Julia into a proper nun.

Griffin de Grandaise will do anything to make Julia his personatchef—even keep his vow to return her to the convent in one year...with her virtue intact. But nothing prepares him for Julia's sumptious meals—or for the maddening way she drives him wild with desire. To make matters worse, it's devious...