Here With Me

    by Beverly Long

    Berkley Pub Group (Sensation)

    November 7, 2006

    ISBN-13: 0425212874

    Available in: Paperback

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    Here With Me
    by Beverly Long

    When Sheriff George Tyler steps into footprints in 1888 and time-travels to the future, his journey is difficult and when he arrives, everything is not what he expected. He's anxious to go home again, to track down the third and final man who'd murdered his wife and unborn child. But while he waits for the footprints that will take him home, he meets Melody Song. She's pregnant and needs a short-term, pretend husband. He realizes that he can't go back to his time without helping her, especially after he learns that she's the person who took care of what he had come to handle.

    Melody knows that she's asking a lot from George Tyler. But her grandmother is dying and she'd do far worse than take a stranger to her grandmother's home and pass him off as her husband, if it keeps her grandmother from worrying about her.

    However, neither Melody nor George realize that danger awaits them in the idyllic Napa Valley and that someone will stop at nothing to ensure that Melody and her unborn child do not outlive Melody's grandmother.

    Beverly Long's Bio

    When Beverly was twelve years old, she waited impatiently, her allowance money in hand, for the next Trixie Belden or Nancy Drew book to hit the shelves. She was a sucker even then for a strong heroine.

    Years later, when she discovered the Harlequin romance, she was hooked. What wasn't to love about gorgeous people doing interesting things in exotic places? What wasn't to love about a happy ending? And what wasn't to love about a woman smart enough to bring her man to his knees?

    She grew up in a small town in Illinois and married her high school sweetheart. Now, twenty-six years later, he's still the love of her life. She feels blessed to have had the opportunity to raise two wonderful daughters. She earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree in business, has owned her own restaurant, and has spent the last fifteen years of her career as a human resources professional.

    But, her love for the romance novel never diminished and she began penning her own stories in 1996. Her debut novel, Stay With Me, went on sale in early January, 2005. Beverly loves to hear from readers. You can contact her at