The Falcon & The Dove
by Bonnie Vanak
Leisure Books
November 1, 2002
ISBN-13: 084395132X
Available in: Paperback
In the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, there was born a love that can never be broken—that of a young queen and a great warrior. And while the warrior's duty to combat the infidel was strict, and though his beloved was the wife of Pharaoh, the two would be separated only by death. But then only for a time.
Elizabeth Summers comes to the dig in 1892. English archaeologists have made huge advances, and Egypt's fantastic history is being laid bare. And while Elizabeth doesn't know whether she is the reincarnation of an ancient queen, she realizes that in the arms of a great sheikh she has found her destiny.
Bonnie Vanak is the author of three Egyptian historicals for Leisure and a full-time writer for a major international charity. Her third Egyptian historical, The Cobra & the Concubine, is a May 2005 Leisure release. Writing under the name Blair Valentine, she will have an upcoming release from Ellora's Cave. CINDERELLA'S REBELLION, which won second place in the FF&P's On The Far Side contest, tells the tale of the rebellous cinder wench escaping her story for the mortal world.