The Tiger & the Tomb

by Bonnie Vanak

Leisure Books

December 1, 2003

ISBN-13: 0843952997

Available in: Paperback

The Tiger & the Tomb
by Bonnie Vanak

Warrior of the Wind The map to the treasure-filled tomb that would ransom Lady Katherine's father was in the possession of a half- English "Khamsin," a desert warrior renowned for tiger-like ferocity. Long ago, a tiger had scarred Katherine and taught her a lesson: Protect yourself from such powerful creatures, no matter how beautiful. The veil she wore would not be enough. Seeker of her heart Her foe was truly dangerous. His amber eyes were keener than his sword, his kisses too. They stripped away Katherine's defenses and made her forget her duties, her promises, why she'd hidden so much from his view. Then the warrior took Katherine where she wished to go. In the depths of his ancestor's tomb he made sweet love to her and proved she was his... and that very soon he would uncover everything she tried to hide.

Bonnie Vanak's Bio

Bonnie Vanak is the author of three Egyptian historicals for Leisure and a full-time writer for a major international charity. Her third Egyptian historical, The Cobra & the Concubine, is a May 2005 Leisure release. Writing under the name Blair Valentine, she will have an upcoming release from Ellora's Cave. CINDERELLA'S REBELLION, which won second place in the FF&P's On The Far Side contest, tells the tale of the rebellous cinder wench escaping her story for the mortal world.