All In One Place

Holmes Crossing Book #2

by Carolyne Aarsen

Self Published

January 21, 2016

ISBN-10: 099404982X

ISBN-13: 9780994049827

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

All In One Place
by Carolyne Aarsen

Terra Froese likes to keep people at arm’s length and change her address regularly. It keeps life simple. Uncomplicated. But when a bad choice turns her life and her perceptions of herself upside down she heads out of the city and across the country to find temporary refuge with her sister, Leslie.

Terra takes her own emotional baggage on her trip to her sister, Leslie, hoping to dump it somewhere along the way. But when she is forced to stay in Holmes Crossing, Terra has to come face to face with her past and the decisions that haunt her still.

Originally published August 2007 in trade paperback by Warner Faith and then re-worked and repackaged November 2015 in eBook by Misty Ridge Publishing.

Carolyne Aarsen's Bio

Living a life of the writer at the intersection of No and where. Spending my days in front of a computer immersed in other worlds with people so real to me I feel that some day I will meet them. Keeping up with the Jones isn't an option. In our Dutch community there are precious few Jones so that makes life easier. I grew up in the city and now live in the country. It's a good life. Other than the swish of the dishwasher (a heavenly sound) and the occasional hum of the refrigerator, the click of my keyboard keys and the sound of my head banging against the desk when words won't obey, life here is pretty quiet. Just the way I like it.