Free Fall

Elite Force Book 4

by Catherine Mann

Sourcebooks (Casablanca)

March 5, 2013

ISBN-10: 1402274963

ISBN-13: 978140227496

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

Free Fall
by Catherine Mann

“Catherine Mann writes an amazing combination of keen suspense, unique characters, and heart-stopping romance. I’m a fan!” —Lori Foster, New York Times bestselling author of Savor the Danger

On This Mission, There Are No Accidents…

Pararescueman Jose “Cuervo” James is the guy they call for the most dangerous assignments. He lives for his job.

On a high-risk rescue deep in the African jungle, Jose encounters sexy, smart Interpol agent Stella Carson. They’d once had an affair that burned hot and fast, but family is everything to Stella, and Jose just can’t go there.

Fate has thrown them into the deadly hot zone together, and sparks will fly…but only if they can live to tell about it.

Catherine Mann's Bio

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann writes contemporary romance for Berkley, Harlequin, Sourcebooks and Tule. With over seventy-five books released in more than twenty countries, she has won a RITA Award, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer's Choice Award, and the Bookseller's Best Award. She's also celebrated six RITA finals, an RT Reviewer's Award finalist, three Maggie Award of Excellence finals and a Bookseller's Best win. After years moving around the country bringing up four children, Catherine has settled in her home state of South Carolina. The nest didn't stay empty long though as she is active in animal rescue. Catherine enjoys hearing from her readers and can be found online frequently on Facebook. She can also be reached via mail at: P.O. Box 291023, Columbia, SC 29229. (For a free bookmark, send a self addressed stamped envelope.)