I hate everything about him.
Everything from his boyish good looks to the flawless fit of his jersey.
But you know what I hate the most?
That his family, owners of the biggest seafood company in Lunenburg, is trying to run our small, family seafood business
into the ground.
But when fate takes a turn and Liam comes to my rescue, I begin to see another side of him.
That's when I soften.
Can you say stupid?
Yeah, I know, I can too.
Because we all know that getting involved with the enemy---even secretly---is not a smart move.
But his touch shuts down my brain, and my ability to think with reason.
Soon enough I'm consumed by the hockey player who wants me, and me only.
Or at least I thought he did.
Until he does something that could destroy my family, destroy us, leaving me with the burning question of how I can possibly navigate a path forward and salvage what remains of us.
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. She has two teenagers who keep her busy with their never ending activities, and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.