Trading Up

    End Zone Book 4

    by Cathryn Fox

    Foxy Inc.

    January 16, 2022

    Available in: e-Book, Trade Size

    Trading Up
    by Cathryn Fox

    This isn’t one of those stories where I was always in love with my brother’s best friend, and he’d spent years crushing on me.

    Furthest thing from it, really.

    I like Braden Murphy well enough. He’s a nice guy, and the football’s team star running back.

    That’s why I asked him to help me get the attention of a real life prince charming.

    Prince Stefan Lundin is a senior at Kinston college.

    Rumor has it he’s looking for his princess.

    I’m a pretty down to earth girl inside, which means I need to up my game.

    Basically, pretend to be everything I’m not.

    Braden reluctantly agrees, and then something crazy happens.

    I realize I’ve been chasing the wrong prince this whole time.

    Too bad I’ve became nothing but a lie.

    Everything Braden hated. Everything I hated.

    Here I was selling myself to the wrong guy, but now I’m worried the one I really want is no longer buying.

    Cathryn Fox's Bio

    New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. She has two teenagers who keep her busy with their never ending activities, and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.