First Kiss

    by Claudia Dain

    Night Shift Publishing

    September 3, 2013

    ISBN-10: B00EZB5IIY

    ISBN-13: B00EZB5IIY

    Available in: e-Book

    First Kiss
    by Claudia Dain

    Fourteen bestselling and award winning historical romance authors have come together with an excerpt collection just for you. All proceeds from this collection are donated to the Little Free Library charity.

    Inside, you’ll find scenes leading up to that glorious moment of the first kiss—or, in a few instances, the almost first kiss.

    Includes excerpts from Her Wicked Ways by Darcy Burke, A Reluctant Rake by Jane Charles, Much Ado About Dutton by Claudia Dain, The Devil to Pay by Catherine Gayle, The Officer and the Bostoner by Rose Gordon, Twice Upon a Time by Samantha Grace, What a Rogue Wants by Julie Johnstone, More Than a Governess by Jerrica Knight-Catania, Ruined by a Rake by Erin Knightley, Athena's Ordeal by Sue London, The Love List by Deb Marlowe, Lady of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle, Heiress Without a Cause by Sara Ramsey, and A Scandalous Pursuit by Ava Stone.

    Other Books by Claudia Dain

    Claudia Dain's Bio

    Claudia Dain enjoys writing more than cooking, cleaning, or folding laundry. The only thing she enjoys more is being with her family. She has issued a standing invitation for them to sit quietly in the room and watch her while she writes, thereby combining her two favorite pleasures into one spectacularly silent moment.

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