The Courtesan's Secret
The Courtesan Chronicles #2
by Claudia Dain
Berkley Pub Group (Sensation)
October 6, 2009
ISBN-10: 0425232670
ISBN-13: 9780425232675
Available in: Paperback (reprint)
Lady Louisa fell in love with Lord Dutton exactly three years ago and never fell out. It was past time for him to fall in love with her. Long past time. What was wrong with Dutton? Couldn't he see that she was the very ideal sort of wife for him? The picture of ginger haired beauty and sparkling wit? And her bosom was quite nice, too.
After watching the speed with which Caroline, Sophia's daughter, managed to snag a husband, Louisa has come to the logical conclusion that if she could only have Sophia help her then Louisa and Dutton would find themselves quickly married. With Dutton as her goal, Louisa swallows her pride and asks Sophia for help in acquiring the man of her dreams.
Sophia is more than happy to help a woman get the man of her dreams, but is Dutton that man? Lord Henry Blakesley seems a much better match for the fiery Louisa. And Sophia, an ex-courtesan, has no qualms at all in arranging things so that Louisa sees Blakesley in a new light. But it's a one can know that Louisa sought help in snaring a man from a former courtesan.
But in London, secrets are as rare as hen's teeth.
Claudia Dain enjoys writing more than cooking, cleaning, or folding laundry. The only thing she enjoys more is being with her family. She has issued a standing invitation for them to sit quietly in the room and watch her while she writes, thereby combining her two favorite pleasures into one spectacularly silent moment.
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