The Wrong Heiress

A Courtesan Short

by Claudia Dain

Self Published

March 31, 2013

ISBN-10: B00C4XT8Y0

ISBN-13: B00C4XT8Y0

Available in: e-Book

The Wrong Heiress
by Claudia Dain

Elena and Elizabeth are identical twins. Elizabeth has captured Horatio, Lord Redding and Elena has not. Elizabeth doesn’t seem to want Lord Redding and Elena does.

Somehow, Lord Redding has chosen the wrong heiress.

There isn’t much Elena can do about that, except anticipate life as a bitter spinster, something not likely to improve her disposition, until Elizabeth meets Jamie Caversham in the British Museum.

Jamie sweeps Elizabeth off her feet, Horatio is left adrift, and Elena decides to swoop in and entice him to carry her off to the altar. All Horatio has to do is cooperate and let Elena fall into his lap. Will he or won’t he?

A short story set in the Courtesan Chronicles in which Sophia plays a small part.

Other Books by Claudia Dain

Claudia Dain's Bio

Claudia Dain enjoys writing more than cooking, cleaning, or folding laundry. The only thing she enjoys more is being with her family. She has issued a standing invitation for them to sit quietly in the room and watch her while she writes, thereby combining her two favorite pleasures into one spectacularly silent moment.

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