Aye, I am a Fairy

    The Fairies Saga Book 1

    by Dani Haviland

    Chill Out! Books

    January 30, 2012

    Available in: Paperback, Audio, e-Book

    Aye, I am a Fairy
    by Dani Haviland

    Sometimes it's best to start later in the story. This is one of those times.
    Meet James Melbourne as the strong man he was destined to be.

    Time travel can't be real...can it?
    There had to be another explanation.
    Leah's mother had disappeared a year ago, then suddenly reappeared looking forty years younger. She vanished again, but this time, left behind her solar-powered smartphone.
    Was Leah brave enough to look for clues on it?
    And where had Mom disappeared to?
    Then there was the strange call from Lord James Melbourne, a British man who claimed to have vital information. An internet search showed he was both rich and a hottie - buy gay. He seemed sweet and generous, but could she trust him?

    James Melbourne grows out of his insecurities and overcomes his susceptibilities to manipulative blondes (as detailed in LOST: The Time Travel Romance That Started It All) in this action-filled epic that starts in the twenty-first century, then bursts into 1783 with a well-planned rescue mission to interact with the 'fictional' characters of the time travel romance, LOST.

    A spunky time travel mystery sprinkled with romance and intrigue and peppered with sarcasm and irony, a delectable blend to savor, day or night, weekday or holiday.

    If you love sagas, try this one.
    **Note: The books in The Fairies Saga are a mix of genres but all entertaining. Each can be a stand-alone story. Find out more about your character - where they came from or where they eventually wind up - by reading the entire series. Fairies Down Under, the story of James Melbourne's impact on the early years of modern Australia, is coming soon.

    Dani Haviland's Bio

    I write books, publish multi-author box sets, grow roses and other plants popular here in Oregon, and am a hardworking volunteer. Oh, and spend as much time as I can with my grandchildren. So much for being retired... I first started writing because the idea of 'What would happen if I fell into a story like Outlander' wouldn't stop haunting me. The only way to quiet that noise was to write. Naked in the Winter Wind was the result. I found out later, I was not alone. Many of my author friends said the same thing: writing was the only way to quiet those noisy Muses! I kept writing The Fairies Saga series. A year or so later, I published my stories with Chill Out! Books. Soon thereafter, some of my friends and I got together. We created a collection of some of our older titles (backlist books) with the same theme, created a fun preface for the title (Unforgettable) and called it a box set by The Authors' Billboard. That series has nearly 30 titles now. When we put together new Christmas stories, we made USA Today Bestsellers' List with our effort: twice! Now six years later, I've published one hundred multi-author box sets with Chill Out! Books. The Fairies Saga series is still growing, I created three other series (sharing a few TFS characters), and wrote a bunch of single, stand-alone stories, too! My non-set titles are available to 'binge-listen to' on Audible Plus as audiobooks here. Yeah, those muses are noisy still.