Heaven and Heartbreak

    Arlie Undercover Book 6

    by Dani Haviland

    Chill Out! Books

    September 29, 2021

    Available in: Paperback, Audio, e-Book

    Heaven and Heartbreak
    by Dani Haviland

    Strangers with the same problem, Louie and Rita shared their anguish at being spurned by their same-sex lovers with two bottles of tequila, finding temporary solace in each other's arms, knowing they'd never see each other again.

    A year later, they're sharing custody of LuLu, the child neither thought they could ever have.
    Or would love so much.
    Then Louie's boyfriend came back, filling their lives -- and his apartment.
    The doting gay father and his lover weren't a problem for the mother but finding new housing and a woman for herself seemed impossible.
    And then there was the murderer next door... Would Arlie's new female partner, a youthful-looking Native meant to attract the human traffickers, solve her problems and the State of Alaska's, too?

    A Diversity Romance for all ages.

    Dani Haviland's Bio

    I write books, publish multi-author box sets, grow roses and other plants popular here in Oregon, and am a hardworking volunteer. Oh, and spend as much time as I can with my grandchildren. So much for being retired... I first started writing because the idea of 'What would happen if I fell into a story like Outlander' wouldn't stop haunting me. The only way to quiet that noise was to write. Naked in the Winter Wind was the result. I found out later, I was not alone. Many of my author friends said the same thing: writing was the only way to quiet those noisy Muses! I kept writing The Fairies Saga series. A year or so later, I published my stories with Chill Out! Books. Soon thereafter, some of my friends and I got together. We created a collection of some of our older titles (backlist books) with the same theme, created a fun preface for the title (Unforgettable) and called it a box set by The Authors' Billboard. That series has nearly 30 titles now. When we put together new Christmas stories, we made USA Today Bestsellers' List with our effort: twice! Now six years later, I've published one hundred multi-author box sets with Chill Out! Books. The Fairies Saga series is still growing, I created three other series (sharing a few TFS characters), and wrote a bunch of single, stand-alone stories, too! My non-set titles are available to 'binge-listen to' on Audible Plus as audiobooks here. Yeah, those muses are noisy still.