In the future, Monitors are stronger, smarter and longer- lived than normal humans. They also have a sex drive much higher and more versatile than other people. Monitors face constant danger when they infiltrate and observe various cultures for possible violations of The Articles Of Hegemony. When Janet Presley became a Monitor, she never expected to wind up investigating a planet where females outnumbered males ten to one, and yet were completely subjugated. Nor did she ever think she would have to pose as a sex slave in order to save her life and that of her libido-enhanced companions. The long trip to Arrowhead is enjoyable, with six highly sexed Monitors aboard ship, but as they discover exactly what they're getting into, Janet knows the fun and games will end very shortly, perhaps ending her life as well. The male dominated society of Arrowhead is determined to resist incorporation into the empire by the only means possible; they will see to it that the Monitors vanish forever. And there's one other problem, one the Monitors have never seen before...