A Man Worth Remembering
Harlequin Intrigue #679
September 1, 2002
ISBN-13: 0373226799
Available in: Paperback
His secret child. . . and hers.
FBI agent Gabe Sanchez had his orders concerning witness Leigh O Brien--keep her alive, catch the bad guys, take care of her. The last was asking a lot, given that Leigh had vanished from his life two years ago. Now she was back, and Gabe wanted answers. Who was trying to kill her? Why did she leave without a word? Why did he still yearn for her, body and soul?
Leigh couldn t remember her name, let alone the sexy stranger who claimed to be her husband. All she knew was that she had to get to Houston in time to save a child in grave danger. But she and Gabe were in for the shock of their lives when they arrived at their destination. . .because the child they sought was their son.
Imagine a family tree that includes Texas cowboys, Choctaw and Cherokee Indians, a Louisiana pirate, and a Scottish rebel who battled side by side with William Wallace. With ancestors like that, it's easy to understand why Texas author and former Air Force captain, Delores Fossen, feels as if she were genetically predisposed to writing romances. Along the way to fulfilling her DNA destiny, Delores married an Air Force Top Gun who just happens to be of Viking descent. With all those romantic bases covered, she doesn't have to look too far for inspiration. Delores writes comedy-historical romances for Dorchester Leisure, romantic suspense for Harlequin Intrigue and contemporary romantic comedies for Harlequin Duets.