Beyond the Dark

by Diane Whiteside, Emma Holly, Angela Knight, Lora Leigh


December 1, 2009

ISBN-10: 0515147192

ISBN-13: 9780515147193

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

Beyond the Dark
by Diane Whiteside, Emma Holly, Angela Knight, Lora Leigh

In A Wolf's Embrace by Lora Leigh does it... in the lair of a strange breed, part man, part wolf, on the hunt for the woman he craves—and needs—to fulfill a hunger clawing at him from within

Dragon Dance by Angela Knight does it... in the psychic realm of a woman attuned to the touch of strangers—and the powerful temptations of a seductive and mysterious protector.

Queen of All She Surveys by Emma Holly does it... in the fantastic Demon World where a powerful Queen rules—until she commits the sin of falling in love with the handsome son of her worst enemy.

Caught by the Tides by Diane Whiteside does it... in an alternate universe of Regency magic where two lovers are threatened by a vicious mage, and swept up in a turbulent war off the Cornish cliffs.

Diane Whiteside's Bio

I was born on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, California. That's really a lot more boring address than it sounds; it was simply the location of the Kaiser Hospital that my parents chose. But some folks say that the atmosphere seeped into my bones.

I'm the third generation of my family to write and get paid, however much or little. Like my grandfather and uncle, I do it for the joy and the communication with other people.

My family is about to start our fifth century in North America. I enjoy travel and have visited most of the US states, as well as Europe and the Bahamas. I've camped in the Sierras, the Grand Tetons, and the Basin and Ranges country of the American West.

As for the rest of my life, I work as a database consultant by day and hold advanced degrees in technology to help me. I've been a government contractor for over twenty years, almost all of it with the military or law enforcement. So when I need to escape, I write about people and places that have nothing to do with my day job.

I live in Northern Virginia with two Tibetan Terrier dogs and a cottage garden to keep me busy. I enjoy books, movies, travel, music, needlework, and dressmaking in my spare time.