The Irish Devil
Kensington Publishing (Brava)
October 2, 2007
ISBN-13: 075820793X
Available in: Paperback (reprint)
She fought for survival...
Born to wealth and privilege but now widowed and betrayed on the unforgiving Arizona frontier, Viola Ross finds herself forced to choose between starvation and marriage to her husband's murderer. Instead she takes a scandalous risk: to turn her back on polite society and become the mistress of sensual William Donovan. Donovan, a wagonmaster and panther of a man, is fully capable of defending her with his bullwhip and Bowie knives. She has no idea what else he can do with those big, callused handsbut she's going to find out...
She was a dream who could destroy him...
Donovan is stunned by Viola's offer since he's always seen her as a fairy princess far beyond the reach of any self-made Irish immigrant. Women like her might enjoy an affair with a man like himand he's more than proven himself in that capacitybut they always reject his offers of marriage. But how will Viola react when she discovers the darkness of his erotic hungers? And once he's sampled her shy beauty, can he bear to let her go? ...
While the killer marshals his forces ...
Even as passion flares to life between Donovan and Viola, a killer seethes in rage. He has other plans for her and summons his allies, including the men who once destroyed Donovan's family. For no Irish Devil is going to stand in his way...
I was born on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, California. That's really a lot more boring address than it sounds; it was simply the location of the Kaiser Hospital that my parents chose. But some folks say that the atmosphere seeped into my bones.
I'm the third generation of my family to write and get paid, however much or little. Like my grandfather and uncle, I do it for the joy and the communication with other people.
My family is about to start our fifth century in North America. I enjoy travel and have visited most of the US states, as well as Europe and the Bahamas. I've camped in the Sierras, the Grand Tetons, and the Basin and Ranges country of the American West.
As for the rest of my life, I work as a database consultant by day and hold advanced degrees in technology to help me. I've been a government contractor for over twenty years, almost all of it with the military or law enforcement. So when I need to escape, I write about people and places that have nothing to do with my day job.
I live in Northern Virginia with two Tibetan Terrier dogs and a cottage garden to keep me busy. I enjoy books, movies, travel, music, needlework, and dressmaking in my spare time.