by Eileen Wilks, Julie Beard, Lori Foster, Jayne Castle
Berkley Pub Group
October 1, 1999
ISBN-13: 0425171299
Available in: Paperback
Everything is possible and nothing is as it seems in four enchanting tales brimming with romance, passion and a touch of wonder. From a marriage of convenience between a psychic archeologist and her bodyguard in a galaxy far, far away (Bridal Jitters by Jayne Ann Krentz) to ancient Britain and a dashing knight wounded in the service of King Arthur (Man in the Mirror by Julie Beard), from a house haunted by two mischievous ghosts (Tangled Dreams by Lori Foster), to a woman torn between her fiancé and a seductive djinn (Pandora's Bottle by Eileen Wilks), you'll be bewitched, beguiled, and bedazzled as four of today's most popular authors cast their most potent love spells.
Eileen Wilks is the NYT best-selling author of over thirty books and novellas, including her World of the Lupi series. A multiple RITA finalist and recipient of a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award, she’s currently hard at work on the tenth book in the series, RITUAL MAGIC.
Eileen came to writing the usual way: by reading compulsively and daydreaming a lot. She likes quilting, dark matter, chocolate, books on brain science, yoga (even though she's not good at it), and painting things—walls, boxes, furniture, floors, even canvases sometimes . . . but not the cats. The cats do not wish to be painted.