Lover Beware

    Feehan's Drake Sisters #1

    by Eileen Wilks, Christine Feehan, Katherine Sutcliffe, Fiona Brand

    Berkley Pub Group

    July 1, 2003

    ISBN-13: 0425189058

    Available in: Paperback

    Lover Beware
    by Eileen Wilks, Christine Feehan, Katherine Sutcliffe, Fiona Brand

    MAGIC IN THE WIND by Christine Feehan.
    Oldest of 7 sisters, Sarah Drake has come home. She is mysterious, magical and so different from other women that Damon can't help but be drawn to her. Even the wind seems to whisper her name. Sarah lives with her sisters in the neighboring cliff house and Damon is shocked to find he is attracted to this 'powerful' woman. He is enraged to find she has been assigned to protect him; but even more shocked to learn that his coming has fulfilled an ancient prophecy.

    Security genius Damon Wilder hopes to find refuge in the small coastal town. He had been kidnapped, critically wounded and saw his friend murdered and wishes to be left alone to find peace, but death follows him to his new home. Will Sarah and her sisters be able to work their special magic to secure a future for Damon and Sarah?

    HOT AUGUST MOON by Katherine Sutcliffe.
    FBI Agent Anna Travelli is part of a special Profiler division. Her psi-talents have been developed and she barely regrets leaving New Orleans and her former love, D.A. Jerry Costos. Now she has been called to help find a serial killer and working with him is part of the package. Can they work together without reigniting the fires of love?

    ONLY HUMAN by Eileen Wilks.
    While investigating serial murders, San Diego detective Lily Yu is forced to accept the aide of Rule Turner, prince of the Werewolf Clan Nokolai. Can she trust him not to follow his own agenda and can she resist their mutual attraction?

    AFTER MIDNIGHT by Fiona Brand.
    When Jane O'Reilly opened the door to her neighbor, they were both shocked by an undeniable bond. Jane's husband had terminal cancer and she would not abandon her first love. Seven years later, she is a widow and Michael Rider is divorced and has returned to his farm now retired from New Zealand's SAS.

    Eileen Wilks' Bio

    Eileen Wilks is the NYT best-selling author of over thirty books and novellas, including her World of the Lupi series. A multiple RITA finalist and recipient of a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award, she’s currently hard at work on the tenth book in the series, RITUAL MAGIC.

    Eileen came to writing the usual way: by reading compulsively and daydreaming a lot. She likes quilting, dark matter, chocolate, books on brain science, yoga (even though she's not good at it), and painting things—walls, boxes, furniture, floors, even canvases sometimes . . . but not the cats. The cats do not wish to be painted.