Violet Love/Prisoner of Love
New Concepts Publishing
April 1, 2004
ISBN-13: 0000000040
Available in: e-Book
Prisoner of Love
Elaine is rescued from slave traders by a mysterious desert man. His tenderness and deep concern for her safety win her heart, but is she as safe in his arms as she thinks? Especially when she finds out he is absolute master of his own kingdom and she is totally at his mercy?
Violet Love
Jacob has spent years chasing Silana, the notorious guerilla terrorist, across space. Now that she is his prisoner, he learns more about her than he wants to know -- she is a strong, compassionate woman doing what she must to protect her people. He finds himself doing the unthinkable -- falling in love with an enemy agent. He holds her life in his hands, yet he knows his own life is nothing without her.
Elizabeth has been a romance writer for over ten years. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario in Canada with her husband, two sons and four cats. Her oldest son is in his early teens, so the house is constantly bustling with teenagers -- playing video games, on the computers, playing MAGIC cards, or horsing around.
In her previous professional life, she was a computer software professional. After graduating from the University of Waterloo with a Mathematics degree specializing in Computer Science, she worked for 15 years in the high tech. field before becoming a stay-at-home mom. Over the next few years, she continued to do the odd consulting contract to bring in extra dollars and to keep her knowledge up-to-date.
Her first reading passion was science fiction. Her dad and older brother were avid SF fans and between them they'd collected hundreds of SF books, which she started reading before she hit her teens. When she discovered "The Hobbit", she turned onto fantasy, too. (Her husband is also a big SF fan. When they got married, they combined their book collections and they've been carting around 20 boxes of SF and fantasy books ever since.)
The first romances she read, in her late teens, were historical romances her mother passed on to her. She loved the romance aspect, but wasn't much of a history buff, so didn't continue reading them for long. When she picked up her first contemporary romance after having her first baby (she needed something to do during those middle-of-the- night feedings!) she loved them! That's all she read for years.
Think of her delight when she found there were actually books that combined her reading passions. Romance set in the far future. Contemporary romance with a twist. Fantasy romance. Finally, something she was truly passionate about.
Now she writes futuristic romance, fantasy romance, contemporary romance with wizards, or genies, or alternate realities, or alien abductions, or... pretty well anything a little different. Sometimes, even straight contemporary romance. She writes romances in every length, from short stories to long novels, but mostly tends to mid-sized novels and novellas.