Guy Food

by Helen Scott Taylor, Rebecca York, Nina Bruhns, Dana Marton, Mimi Barbour

Helen Scott Taylor

June 2, 2015

Available in: e-Book

Guy Food
by Helen Scott Taylor, Rebecca York, Nina Bruhns, Dana Marton, Mimi Barbour

The way to a man's heart may be through his stomach, but cooking for guys can sometimes be frustrating. Most of them want simple, no fuss, stick-to-the-ribs meals, not gourmet fare. Here are some great examples of what they crave---the favorite foods of the heroes in Ten Brides for Ten Hot Guys. Some are the dishes their brides make especially for them. Some are favorites from their childhood. And still others are what they like to whip up when they take off their jackets, guns or cowboy hats and step into the kitchen. Each recipe comes with a note that will whet your appetite for one of the stories in Ten Brides for Ten Hot Guys.

Here you'll find tasty breakfast foods, hearty main dishes, great snacks, and desserts. Included are recipes for everything from Buffalo Wing Dip, Bourbon Baked Ham, and Loaded Potatoes to Cincinnati Chili and Peanut Butter Brownies.

Please enjoy these delicious dishes. They are each author's way of adding another facet to her story and characters. We hope you love these recipes as much as we do and that you'll want to cook them for your own guy for many years to come.

Recipes are by Rebecca York, Nina Bruhns, Dana Marton, Ammie Jones, Mona Risk, Alicia Street, Patrice Wilton, Mimi Barbour, Donna Fasano, and Helen Scott Taylor.

Helen Scott Taylor's Bio

When I was a little girl, I used to write stories about my teddy bear and soft toy rabbit:Bingo and Charlie. These two deceptively innocent little creatures didn't spend their time enjoying dolls' tea parties or playing with their friends like normal toys. Bingo and Charlie fought off alien invasions, battled the fairies at the bottom of the garden and generally had a smashing time and horrified my teachers.

After earning a degree in Botany and Zoology from London University, I dabbled in accountancy and then worked in sales and marketing in the pharmaceutical industry. Twenty years ago, I discovered my entrepreneurial spirit and set up a business with my husband providing a pest control service to other businesses in the South West of England.

Having faced rats the size of cats and all manner of creepy crawlies, I've seen sights that would curl your toes, turn your stomach and maybe send the more sensitive among you screaming from the room—or at least leaping for the nearest chair.

With the business thriving, and my two children becoming more independent, I hit the dreaded four oh, and decided to *find myself*. My search for a new direction eventually led me full circle back to my childhood love of creating stories.

Unfortunately, my initial inspiration, Bingo and Charlie, are long gone. (Actually, I hate to admit this, but Bingo is extensively patched and languishing in a wardrobe in the spare room, and I haven't a clue where Charlie is—what a bad mommy I am!)

I'm lucky enough to live near Plymouth in Devon between the windswept expanse of Dartmoor and the rocky Atlantic coast. As well as my wonderful long-suffering husband, and two children, I share my home with two Shih Tzus and an aristocratic chocolate-shaded-silver-burmilla cat who rules the household with a velvet paw. I love to write about the locale and places I've visited. THE MAGIC KNOT was set in Cornwall and Ireland, and the first two sequels I plan are set in Wales and Scotland.

THE MAGIC KNOT was the winner of the American Title IV contest run by Romantic Times Magazine in conjunction with Dorchester Publishing.