Be Not Like
Vampire Assassin League Book 33
by Jackie Ivie
Self Published
September 23, 2017
Available in: e-Book
Paul Henry Beethan is shrewd. Calculating. Aloof. To the world, he’ll inherit a British title, massive real estate, a global company worth billions. Few know he’s also slated to assume a centuries-old legacy of vengeance and retribution. Fighting the most evil creatures spawned.
The Beethans are Vampire Hunters.
And Paul Henry is their next leader.
Dark-haired Eska is not only beautiful. She has the edge of vampiric allure. Statuesque and stunning, her nights are spent wherever her prey congregates. She likes a premium male. In his prime. Once located, she’ll flirt. Tease. Even mesmerize. So she can separate, seclude, and then partake.
She doesn’t have to hunt, either.
They come to her.
An overnight plane trip turns into a whorl of darkness. Paul Henry awakens in chains. Imprisoned. Vulnerable. Powerless. His jailer is the most stunning woman he’s ever met. But she’s the enemy.
Paul Henry knows exactly what she is and precisely how to fight her. He was born to it, after all. And this battle, he refuses to lose.
Jackie Ivie was born and raised in a suburb outside Utah’s capital, beautiful Salt Lake City. The second in a family of four daughters and one son, Jackie was constantly amusing her siblings with her invented games, escapades, and stories. And she was always reading. She would even walk the family dog, with one hand holding the leash, while the other held the ever-present book. No subject went unread, but once she discovered Historical Romances, there was no doubting her favorite genre.
Jackie has always been the busy type, rarely sitting still without being occupied in at least one activity, and usually more. When she was younger, it was nothing to find her watching television, while doing her homework, listening to music, crocheting like a madwoman, and reading, all at the same time.
After graduating, Jackie gained secure employment with a large service company and relocated with her growing family to the neighboring, sparsely-populated state of Wyoming. She then spent several years enjoying the wildlife, scenery, and open space that Wyoming is known for. In addition to writing, Jackie is an accomplished artist in several mediums, preferring mixed media. She has several pictures in print and has exhibited in art showings throughout the West. There was never anything she loved doing more than reading, however, and once she discovered the thrill involved with putting her own words and fantasies on paper there was no stopping her.
In 2001, Jackie and her family took a huge step and moved to the largest state of the nation; Alaska. Although it was her job that brought her here, Jackie has grown to love this land of amazing contrasts, breathtaking vistas, and the ever-present resident, the Alaskan moose. There’s nothing else like it, and the very long days of summer lend themselves to hours and hours of energizing tasks, while the long winter nights are just right for her real love…writing.