The DeWilde Affair

    by Jasmine Cresswell


    March 1, 2004

    ISBN-13: 037383585X

    Available in: Paperback

    The DeWilde Affair
    by Jasmine Cresswell

    The elegant DeWilde stores—famous for making bridal fantasies come true. Now the love that built the DeWilde dynasty threatened to shatter it...

    Gabriel DeWilde had no idea why his supposedly happy parents, Grace and Jeffrey DeWilde, were divorcing. Suddenly his mother was gone, his father distraught, and it was up to Gabriel to save DeWildes' future. But though he'd seen what passion had done to his parents' union, Gabriel couldn't stop arguing with head designer Lianne Beecham...or keep his hands off her.

    Michael Forrest, a DeWilde cousin, was ambitious, sexy—everything Julia Dutton avoided in a man. Yet she wanted Michael.

    Other Books by Jasmine Cresswell

    Jasmine Cresswell's Bio

    Born in England, Jasmine Cresswell now divides her time between her winter home in Sarasota, Florida and her summer home in Evergreen, Colorado. Jasmine has been writing since 1975 and has published over 50 novels, with 9 million copies of her books in print.

    Jasmine served for two years as the editor of the Romance Writer's Report. She also served as president of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, and is a founder and former president of Novelists, Inc. She received the Colorado Authors' League Award for Best Paperback Novel of the Year and the Romance Writers of America Golden Rose Award. Her books also have received numerous Romantic Times certificates of excellence.

    Experienced as a public speaker, Jasmine has conducted college seminars and addressed many writers' conferences. Interviews and profiles have appeared in newspapers throughout the country, and Jasmine considers herself a veteran of talk shows and news broadcasts.

    Married to Malcolm Candlish, whom she met while she was working for the British Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Jasmine and her husband have lived all over the world. She has a Bachelor's Degree with a double major in history and philosophy from Melbourne University, a second degree in history from Macquarie University, as well as a Masters Degree in history and archival administration from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio.