Dawn of the Flame Sea

A Flame Sea Novel #1

by Jean Johnson


April 19, 2016

Available in: e-Book

Dawn of the Flame Sea
by Jean Johnson

The first in a new fantasy series from the national
bestselling author of the Sons of Destiny novels.

They call themselves the Fae Rii, or Fair Traders.
Elfin-like beings capable of wielding sophisticated forms of
magic, they travel between universes exploring new worlds
and establishing settlements for their people to live
peacefully among the locals.

The humans of the White Sands tribe, refugees fleeing from
powerful enemies, see the Fae as potential invaders stealing
their newfound natural resources. Jintaya, the leader of the
Fae travelers, manages to forge an alliance, promising to
trade skills and knowledge—magical and
otherwise—to build a lasting community.

But the Circle Fire Tribe has no desire to share those rich
valleys and ravines with the people they’ve hunted to
near extinction—or the supposed deities they

Jean Johnson's Bio

Jean Johnson currently lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest, has played in the SCA for nearly 20 years, sings a lot, and is currently teaching herself to play the violin. She loves flirting, sewing, cats (though not necessarily flirting with cats who can sew), cooking (but not cooking cats), and has a distinct sense of humor. She also hopes to live in a castle some day...but only if it has decent plumbing, central heating, and internet access.