The Shifter
by Jean Johnson
Berkley Sensation Trade
May 1, 2012
ISBN-10: 0425247333
ISBN-13: 9780425247334
Available in: Trade Size
Before the Sons of Destiny came to be, shapechangers ruled the heart of a shattered empire, and navigated the uncertain shifts of fate...
Years have passed since there was any sighting of “Family Mongrel” on the Shifting Plains. Yet traces remain, and they lead south into the Correda Mountains. As a favor to his brother and sister-in-law, Kenyen Sin Siin has taken it upon himself to track down these hints from the past and make sure the curs have not survived. The trail grows colder, more tangled, until he’s trapped in a valley where not everyone is as they seem. Either he will adapt and survive, or be uncovered and perish before his mission is complete.
Wary of strangers, and distrustful of the familiar, Solyn Ys Rei and her best friend have formed a secret resistance. One of a rare few with the ability to stand up to and evade their enemies, she must still tread with great caution, particularly when even her best friend starts acting odd. Allies could be enemies lurking in disguise, and a stranger’s face could hide a new foe as easily as a new friend.
Jean Johnson currently lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest, has played in the SCA for nearly 20 years, sings a lot, and is currently teaching herself to play the violin. She loves flirting, sewing, cats (though not necessarily flirting with cats who can sew), cooking (but not cooking cats), and has a distinct sense of humor. She also hopes to live in a castle some day...but only if it has decent plumbing, central heating, and internet access.