Dark Moon

    Spirit Wild Series #2

    by Kate Douglas

    Kensington Publishing (Aphrodisia)

    January 28, 2014


    Available in: e-Book

    Read an Excerpt

    Dark Moon
    by Kate Douglas

    Shapeshifting creatures of amazing strength and sensuality, the Chanku now live openly all over the world. Yet the primal power of the pack beckons, calling each one home to surrender to pure pleasure. . .

    Return To Surrender

    Igmutaka is her Spirit Guide and protector. But Star desires so much more. She wants to take him as her mate. Years away have not diminished her craving for him and so she is returning home, to face the past and experience the exquisite rapture that only one of her kind can give.

    Despite the passion she and Igmutaka share, Sunny knows she has yet to find her one true mate. And when she comes upon carnage in the forest and sees the massive wolf standing proud before her, she wonders if this is the one who will finally satisfy all her carnal needs. . .

    Kate Douglas' Bio

    Author of 10 books and nine novellas, Kate Douglas enjoys writing her contemporary romances as well as her popular StarQuest Series of erotic futuristics and the paranormal Wolf Tales serial. Winner of three Eppies for Best Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense as well as the Quasar Award for the cover of her best selling romantic parody, Cowboy in My Pocket, Kate is currently working on a sixth StarQuest title and the next installment of Wolf Tales. Newsletter: KateDouglas-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
