
    by Kathleen Dante

    Berkley Pub Group (Heat)

    March 6, 2007

    ISBN-13: 0425214915

    Available in: Trade Size

    Read an Excerpt

    by Kathleen Dante

    Psyprint artist Jordan Kane uses clairvoyance to hide her blindness and present a façade of normalcy in public. A secondary gift of psychometry reinforces her solitariness. The last thing she wants is a man in her bed who upsets the even tenor of her life.

    Black ops agent Dillon Gavin is comfortable in his shadowy world. Ordered to take R&R, he's on the lookout for a simple vacation fling. The last thing he expects is a lover with unauthorized—and uncontrollable—access to details of his top secret missions.

    But when Dillon meets Jordan, caution and commonsense go out the window. Enticed beyond measure, Jordan risks her heart, and the last thing Dillon expects is precisely what he gets. Now, with murder haunting Jordan's dreams, Dillon will risk everything he has to keep his lover alive.

    Kathleen Dante's Bio

    Kathleen Dante is an inveterate reader who began reading romances with her mother's Mills&Boons at age 8. Although romance dominates her library, she enjoys scifi/fantasy, manga, encyclopedias, dictionaries and the occasional non- fiction.

    She made her first stab at writing fiction when she was 9 and was traumatized when it sounded awful read aloud. Creative writing courses in college provided additional trauma when she was forced to attempt the Extremely Short story. After that disaster, she set aside all hopes of fiction-writing.

    Discovering Emma Holly and Angela Knight opened Kathleen's eyes to a new world of possibilities, one that gave life to the characters of her imagination. Inspired by eyecandy and the examples of others, she returned to fiction- writing after a hiatus of over a decade.

    A refugee from the world of trade journalism, Kathleen started her first novel in 2003 — and almost never finished it due to work pressures. In 2004, fed up with office politics, she quit her job to devote time to her writing and looked back only to sigh in relief over her harrowing escape.

    You can e-mail her at kath@kathleendante.com.