Men In Kilts

    by Katie MacAlister


    October 7, 2003

    ISBN-13: 0451411137

    Available in: Paperback

    Read an Excerpt

    Men In Kilts
    by Katie MacAlister

    What do they wear under those things?

    So far, Kathie Williams has made a good showing as the only American at a mystery writers' conference in Manchester— what with that falling asleep in public thing behind her.

    The sight of Iain MacLaren wakes her up. Clad in a deliciously woolly sweater, the burly Scotsman seems to be holding up a wall at the cocktail party. So Kathie makes her move...and winds up stark naked with him in bed, where his thick Scottish brogue, thick manly chest, and thick... other her to do things she's never done before. Like fall in love.

    And if things aren't moving fast enough—and on the wrong side of the road, no less—Kathie is about to visit Iain's sheep farm in the Scottish Highlands and meet his sons. She's feeling a wee bit nervous. Because she can't tell where this mad affair is going—except north...

    Katie MacAlister's Bio

    Katie MacAlister is an American author with a passion for mystery, a fascination with alpha males, and a deep love of history. She has worked as a bird skeleton cleaner, a wave machine solderer, a Fortran programmer, and a sales assistant for Harrod's. She lives with her husband and two dogs, and also writes for the young adult market as Katie Maxwell. Katie welcomes e-mails from readers at