The Corset Diaries

by Katie MacAlister

Onyx Books

May 1, 2004

ISBN-13: 0451411129

Available in: Paperback

The Corset Diaries
by Katie MacAlister


No woman in her right mind would consent to wearing a corset for a month. Especially a "skinny-challenged" woman like myself. But dreams of being debt-free danced in my head at the offer of appearing in a reality TV show.

A Month in the Life of a Victorian Duke is about real people—like me—pretending to live on an English estate, circa 1879. Sounds fun, no? Well, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. We're talking no televisions, no cell phones, no PMS medication. And did I mention the corsets? No breathing for a full month. Luckily, when I met the real-life duke who was to be my pretend husband, he took my breath away...

In a manor in which everyone must strictly follow the Victorian lifestyle, things are bound to go wrong. Like when some harmless lust turns into that other thing...

Love was definitely not in the contract.

Katie MacAlister's Bio

Katie MacAlister is an American author with a passion for mystery, a fascination with alpha males, and a deep love of history. She has worked as a bird skeleton cleaner, a wave machine solderer, a Fortran programmer, and a sales assistant for Harrod's. She lives with her husband and two dogs, and also writes for the young adult market as Katie Maxwell. Katie welcomes e-mails from readers at