Laid Open

    A Brown Family Novella

    by Lauren Dane

    Berkley Pub Group (A Penguin Special from Berkley Heat)

    October 2, 2012

    ISBN-10: B007K3E178

    ISBN-13: B007K3E178

    Available in: e-Book

    Laid Open
    by Lauren Dane

    The lovers from Lauren Dane’s “emotionally-charged, deeply erotic” (Sylvia Day) Laid Bare, are back and taking a vacation.

    All she needed to pack was a few bikinis, a toothbrush and some sunscreen. This is what Ben told Erin when he presented her and Todd with tickets to Fiji and the promise of ten days of nothing but sleeping until whenever they wanted, sex without having to lock the door and lots of alone time.

    And that’s what they have. Long days and nights filled with pleasure. Long enough that the stress and exhaustion drops away and the three can simply enjoy each other.

    They’ve got heat. More than ever before. Recharging their batteries has also brought new levels of intimacy and connection. But when Erin stumbles over the pain of her past, both men band together to not only help her through, but to help each other as well.

    Lauren Dane's Bio

    The story goes like this — A few years ago, Lauren Dane decided to quit her job and stay home with her brand new second child. As a result, she had lots of conversations in a sing-song voice but no real outlet for adult thoughts and words. While on bed-rest with her pregnancy with the tiny monster, Lauren had plenty of down time so her husband brought home a second hand laptop and she decided to "give that writing thing a serious go."

    Lauren had no idea how fabulously wonderful it would feel to actually make a go of her writing and she's thankful every day people actually want to read what she writes! She's well aware of her good fortune and loves every moment of it, even when she has to edit and put Barbie's dresses back on over and over again. She still hasn't managed to figure out how to shut out the sound of the Backyardigans so she can write a love scene, though.

    Visit Lauren on the web at

    You can write to her at: PO BOX 45175, Seattle, WA 98145

    2005 Interview