The Doctor Takes a Princess

Royal Babies Book 3

by Leanne Banks

Harlequin Special Edition

June 21, 2011

Available in: Paperback, e-Book

The Doctor Takes a Princess
by Leanne Banks


Princess Bridget Devereaux's entire life had been prescribed by duty and obligation. Now, tasked with recruiting doctors for her little country, she's encountered an obstacle. Sexy resident advisor Ryder McCall was the key to accomplishing her mission, but as instant father to twin toddlers, he was too overwhelmed to help her.


Bridget found the clueless single dad's desperation touching, and the fierce attraction between them exciting. Volunteering to care for the babies until the doctor could find a nanny, Bridget soon found herself consumed by tenderness for the twins...and falling hard for Ryder.

But their lives pulled them in different directions. Could the princess and the doctor possibly find their way to happily ever after?

Leanne Banks' Bio

Leanne Banks is a national #1 best-selling author of romance novels and on a good day looks like the woman in the picture. She is the winner of the Romantic Times Career Achievement Awards in Series Sensuality and Love and Laughter. She is also the winner of the Florida Writers Beacon Award, the Golden Quill Award, and the Georgia Romance Writers' MAGGIE Award. Her books have been recognized by the Award of Excellence Contest, the Romance Writers of America Rita Contest, and the National Readers' Choice Awards.

Leanne believes her readers work hard on the job and for their families, so she tries to lighten the load with stories featuring a strong sense of fun and sensuality. Reader response is heartwarming. One of her favorite letters was from a woman who had been suffering from severe health problems: "[Your books] did more for my health that all the medicine in the world -- as corny as this sounds, [your heroes] made me feel like life is `worth it'."

Leanne lives in Virginia with her husband, and two children. She loves music, chocolate, quotes, and new adventures. Her recent adventures include snorkeling in the Caribbean and riding an elephant, and one of her ongoing adventures is raising teenage children.