Tara the Great

    Nuworld #2

    by Lorie O'Clare

    Cerridwen Press

    July 7, 2005

    ISBN-13: 141990261X

    Available in: e-Book (reprint)

    Tara the Great
    by Lorie O'Clare

    A pending attack from a people known as the Lunians forces Lord Darius and Tara to stand together and protect their growing kingdoms. The Lunians once inhabited Nuworld but migrated to its moon. Their plans for Nuworld's current inhabitants are hideous and immoral.

    It is a race against time as war erupts against the Lunians. A vision guides Tara and Darius as they battle to save their right to exist on their planet. If they fail, both Gothman and Runners will be reduced to breeding stock for their ancestors. Every moral and value will be put to the test during this bloody battle to save Nuworld.

    This second book in the Nuworld series shows Tara and Darius battling for control in their relationship and as leaders of their people. Both are headstrong and dominating, making this a dynamic book where willpower wars as strong as warriors battle.

    Note: Nuworld is a passionate and intense place. This story features some scenes of violence against women and may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.

    Publisher Note: This story was previously released elsewhere, and has been revised for publication at Cerridwen Press.

    Lorie O'Clare's Bio

    All my life, I've wondered at how people fall into the routines of life. The paths we travel seemed to be well-trodden by society. We go to school, fall in love, find a line of work (and hope and pray it is one we like), have children and do our best to mold them into good people who will travel the same path. This is the path so commonly referred to as the "real world". The characters in my books are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society suggests. Each story leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone else's path. Lorie O'Clare lives in Kansas with her three sons.
