Waiting for Dawn

Book 3 in the Sex Slaves series.

by Lorie O'Clare

Ellora's Cave

February 23, 2005

ISBN-13: 1419901478

Available in: e-Book

Waiting for Dawn
by Lorie O'Clare

Trent Dar answers to no man—or woman. And that's the way he likes it. A seasoned warrior, honored throughout the solar system, and with a reputation that can get him anything he wants, anytime. The last thing he wants is to be tied to one woman.

When Dawn Corl drifts across his radar, bringing mystery and conspiracy along with her, he isn't chasing her because he wants her. Keeping her by his side has nothing to do with her passion for life or the way she stirs the fires inside him to life.

But while the battle rages outside, it's those fires inside he's eager to keep on burning, if he could just stop her running from him! Catching her and keeping her becomes the battle he's determined to win. Waiting for Dawn isn't an option! And it's about time she realized he means business.

Lorie O'Clare's Bio

All my life, I've wondered at how people fall into the routines of life. The paths we travel seemed to be well-trodden by society. We go to school, fall in love, find a line of work (and hope and pray it is one we like), have children and do our best to mold them into good people who will travel the same path. This is the path so commonly referred to as the "real world". The characters in my books are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society suggests. Each story leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone else's path. Lorie O'Clare lives in Kansas with her three sons.
