The Pickup Line

    by Louisa Trent

    Atlantic Bridge Publishing (Liquid Silver Books)

    March 1, 2003

    ISBN-13: 1931761620

    Available in: e-Book

    The Pickup Line
    by Louisa Trent

    When hip, avant-garde artist, Blue Heron, and ultra- conservative businessman, Lou Franco, meet in a pickup line at a trendy vegan restaurant they quickly agree to a weekend of erotic, anything-goes, sex.

    But a pink flamingo and a giant inflatable penis turn anything-goes into something else, something neither of them expects.

    ...because sometimes all a man and woman really have in common is nothing and sometimes nothing will keep them apart...

    Louisa Trent's Bio

    Louisa Trent is happiest writing and so she writes all the time, even when the veggies are in need of peeling and the dust bunnies are in need of vacuuming. When she was far too young to contemplate anything as serious as marriage, she snatched up a boy with a sense of humor and led him right to the altar. Somewhere along the way, she picked up a couple of academic degrees which she uses each and every day, though certainly not in the way she intended to use them. Blessed with three funny sons and a husband who still makes her giggle, she lives in a quaint New England town in a messy home surrounded by flowers and laughter.