The Desires of Her Heart

    Texas: Star of Destiny Book 1

    by Lyn Cote


    January 29, 2009

    Available in: Paperback, e-Book

    The Desires of Her Heart
    by Lyn Cote

    A New Orleans lady and a half-breed frontiersman become unlikely allies as they travel the wilds of texas.

    In 1821, when circumstances make it impossible for her to remain in New Orleans, Dorritt and her family head west to join Stephen Austin's settlement and recoup their fortune in Texas.

    Quinn is a man of the frontier who has made a name for himself as a peerless scout. But as he and Dorritt's party begin a grueling trek across untamed Texas, the success of their journey is in grave doubt. Mexico has broken with the Spanish Crown, and armies from both countries---plus marauding Comanches---roam the pine forests and prairies. And one of the party is plotting destruction.

    Now, with their lives joined in a virgin land fraught with peril, can Dorritt and Quinn put all their trust in God and receive the desires of their hearts?

    Lyn Cote's Bio

    USA Today best-selling author of over 40 romances, Lyn Cote writes award-winning contemporary and historical romance. Her brand is "Strong Women, Brave Stories." Her books feature a strong heroine, often a multi-cultural cast of characters and authentic history or contemporary life. She lives with her real life hero in a lakeside cottage in the northwoods with two fun cats. (She loves dogs too. :-)