The Starry Child

    by Lynn Hanna


    October 1, 1998

    ISBN-13: 0451408381

    Available in: Paperback

    The Starry Child
    by Lynn Hanna

    A little girl has not spoken since her father's tragic death in an airline accident. After consulting numerous specialists, the girl's young widowed mother is on the verge of giving up all hope in helping her daughter. Then a linguist hears an old recording of the girl speaking and recognizes her ability to speak ancient Gaelic. As the linguist communicates with the girl, who claims to be a queen of Scottish nobility, he discovers secrets about her ancestry, and about a family crown that was stolen so long ago. Unless the crown is returned to its rightful resting place in the Highlands, there can be no peace for the silent girl.

    Lynn Hanna's Bio

    For Lynn Hanna, the lush hills and mystical evening fog that are so much the signature of the San Francisco Bay Area have always brought to mind more distant shores. It's not hard for her to transform the golden California coast into a rugged cove hidden far off the remotest point in the Orkney Isles or to have the sight of a thousand-year-old Sequoia Redwood tree send her imagination racing back to the day of the tree's birth.

    A native of Seattle, Washington, after her college years, Lynn followed her heart to San Francisco. She has lived close by ever since, raising her two children, working in the fine jewelry industry, and pursuing the true love of her life, storytelling. Her work has nurtured a passion for doing research into the lives and culture of ancient peoples and has provided her with the opportunity to learn something very few people learn in modern times, Scottish Gaelic. She has discovered that Gaelic is not just a means of communication, it's also a channel into the nature of that most complex and illusive commodity, the Gael mindset.

    With family and friends close by, she dedicates her time to "letting her characters tell their stories," to enriching her education at a nearby university, and to tending the small menagerie in her house and yard, some of whom you might recognize from her work. Her goal is to bring her stories to life for readers and to share her love of all things Celtic.