Mistletoe & Magic

    by Lynsay Sands, Lisa Cach, Stobie Piel, Amy Elizabeth Saunders

    Leisure Books

    October 1, 2000

    ISBN-13: 0843947780

    Available in: Paperback

    Mistletoe & Magic
    by Lynsay Sands, Lisa Cach, Stobie Piel, Amy Elizabeth Saunders

    A recipe for an unforgettable Christmas of love and laughter.

    Serves: Everyone

    Holly berries
    1 pair enchanted spectacles
    4 couples
    8 lonely hearts
    1 fairy godmother
    1 miracle

    Take four heroines, created by some of Romance's hottest authors. Mix them up with an equal number of heroes until warm and sweet. Press together and add laughter. Set in delicious historical settings, seal with a kiss, and leave overnight. By morning, couples will have formed into four delightful stories. Sprinkle liberally with...Mistletoe & Magic.

    Lynsay Sands' Bio

    Lynsay Sands has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in psychology, enjoys reading both horror and romance, and believes a sense of humor can "see you through nearly anything." She loves hearing from her readers and welcomes letters at:
    P.O. Box 44029
    Market Tower Post Office
    151 Dundas Street
    London, Ontario
    Canada N6A 5S5