The Deed

by Lynsay Sands


April 12, 1998

ISBN-13: 0843948108

Available in: Paperback

The Deed
by Lynsay Sands

An innocent young beauty finds herself the fulcrum of a struggle for feudal power. Along with her ample dowry, Emma finds herself promised to Amaury de Aneford, a landless knight whose able sword has preserved the King's crown—and whose rugged good looks make her heart skip a beat. But on the wedding day, as a rival knight gallops toward the bridal chamber, Amaury will find that making love to his naive new bride will take consummate skill. For in the conjugal bed, Emma is astonished to learn there is more to a wedding night than just a sound sleep-and more to true love than she's ever imagined.    

Lynsay Sands' Bio

Lynsay Sands has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in psychology, enjoys reading both horror and romance, and believes a sense of humor can "see you through nearly anything." She loves hearing from her readers and welcomes letters at:
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