The Perfect Wife

    by Lynsay Sands

    Leisure Books

    September 27, 2005

    ISBN-13: 084395499X

    Available in: Paperback

    The Perfect Wife
    by Lynsay Sands

    It was to be hoped that her groom was partial to cherries. For Avelyn feared she would very much resemble one at their wedding feast. Too round, to red in the scarlet gown that was all she could fit into...and perhaps too tart for his taste? No doubt he longed for a sweet, biddable bride, one who was as tiny and trim as she was trying to appear.

    Paen Gerville longed for a lively, well-rounded woman, one whose plump breast would cushion his head after the lonely, harsh life of a solitary fighting knight. At first his wife-to-be promised no such delights—her form was unbending, her health apparently fragile as she fainted into his arms as their first kiss. But one split bridal gown later, her assets were eye-poppingly apparent and Paen could only grin as he anticipated the surprises yet to come on his wedding night with... THE PERFECT WIFE

    Lynsay Sands' Bio

    Lynsay Sands has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in psychology, enjoys reading both horror and romance, and believes a sense of humor can "see you through nearly anything." She loves hearing from her readers and welcomes letters at:
    P.O. Box 44029
    Market Tower Post Office
    151 Dundas Street
    London, Ontario
    Canada N6A 5S5