The Reluctant Reformer
by Lynsay Sands
Dorchester (Leisure Books)
February 1, 2002
ISBN-13: 0843949740
Available in: Paperback
Everyone knows of Lady X. The masked courtesan is reputedly a noblewoman fallen on hard times. What Lord James did not know was that she was Lady Margaret Wentworth--the feisty sister of his best friend, who has forced James into an oath of protection. But when James tracks the girl to a house of ill repute, the only explanation is that Maggie is London's most enigmatic wanton. Snatching her away will be a ticklish business, and after that James will have to ignore her violent protests that she was never the infamous X. He will have to reform the hoyden, while keeping his hands off the luscious goods that the rest of the ton has reputedly sampled. And, with Maggie, hardest of all will be keeping himself from falling in love.
Lynsay Sands has been writing since she was a child. She
has a degree in psychology, enjoys reading both horror and
romance, and believes a sense of humor can "see you through
nearly anything." She loves hearing from her readers and
welcomes letters at:
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