Wish List

by Lynsay Sands, Lisa Cach, Claudia Dain, Lisa Kleypas

Leisure Books

October 1, 2003

ISBN-13: 0843951028

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

Wish List
by Lynsay Sands, Lisa Cach, Claudia Dain, Lisa Kleypas

I Will by Lisa Kleypas
Andrew, Lord Drake, has been cut out of his father's will because of his dissolute manner of living. To be reinstated, Andrew decides to pretend that he has changed his wicked ways. As part of his plan, he wants to convince his father that he is courting a respectable woman with the intention of marrying her. The problem is, he doesn't know any decent women, except for his friend's spinster sister, Miss Caroline Hargreaves. He blackmails the reluctant Caroline into helping him, and so the charade begins . . .

Puddings, Pastries, and Thou by Lisa Cach
It's Christmas, and Vivian Ambrose has once again been passed off from one relation to the other. Orphaned long ago, and with no fortune, she has had to rely on the charity of cousins for her meat and bread, when what she dreams of is puddings and pastries, and a home, husband, and children of her own.

Richard Brent has all but given up hope that a decent, loving woman will have him. He has enough stains upon his public character that he is barely tolerated in genteel homes, and then only because he comes from a good family. When he meets Vivian, his last flickers of hope are stirred to life, for she is the one woman he has met whose hungers may tempt her to take his bait

Union by Claudia Dain
It's time for Clarissa Walingford to find a husband. Though she has no desire to do so, she will do her duty. All she truly requires in the man she marries is that he own land in Ireland. Setting out with list in hand, she finds herself drawn to the one man she really would rather not match up with.

All I Want by Lynsay Sands
All Prudence Prescott's mother wants for Christmas is for her husband "to stop his gambling before he sees us in debtor's prison". So Pru sets out to show her father the error of his ways. The main one to suffer, though, from her misdirected good intentions is the owner of the gaming hell her father frequents. Lord Stephen Stockton finds himself on the receiving end of Pru's schemes, and losing his heart in the process.

Lynsay Sands' Bio

Lynsay Sands has been writing since she was a child. She has a degree in psychology, enjoys reading both horror and romance, and believes a sense of humor can "see you through nearly anything." She loves hearing from her readers and welcomes letters at:
P.O. Box 44029
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151 Dundas Street
London, Ontario
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