The Vegas Series - Part One

    The Vegas Series

    by Mimi Barbour


    January 23, 2015

    Available in: Paperback

    The Vegas Series - Part One
    by Mimi Barbour

    Partners: Introduction short story.
    Action-packed crime thrillers of two people forced together as Partners. Aurora Morelli's a cranky, hard-nosed detective and Kai Lawson's a purse-carrying cop. They both want to get the rapist. Only thing is, she wants to put him in jail, and he wants him dead.
    Roll the Dice: Full-length story.
    Roll the Dice is a powerful romantic suspense about two detectives with differing agendas - yet after the same rapist. Aurora doesn't put up with slackers and Kai doesn't put up with sassy women. Their antics will grab your interest from the beginning and you'll have to read to the surprising end. Great characters and compelling conflicts will keep you entranced.
    Vegas Shuffle: Short bridge story
    Fast-paced and suspenseful, Vegas Shuffle is the perfect short story to keep you involved in the lives of the Vegas Series characters. Pregnant, and furious at Kai Lawson, the missing fool who got her in this condition, Detective Aurora Morelli grudgingly accepts a new gal to be her partner on the job. And... she's met a new man, Jeff Waters. Can he replace her baby's daddy? Is he man enough?

    Mimi Barbour's Bio

    NYT & USA Today, best-selling, award-winning author, Mimi Barbour, lives on the beautiful east coast of Vancouver Island and writes her romances with tongue-in-cheek and a mad glint in her eye. Asked why she prefers paranormal or suspenseful romance, she answers, chuckling... "Because it's fun! Imagination can be a lot more interesting than what happens in real life to so-called normal people. I love my characters, and my goal is to make the readers love them also. To care about what happens to them while the tale unfolds. If I can steal my booklover's attention away from their everyday grind, absorb them in a fantasy world, and make them care about the ending, then I've done my job. "Thinking back, writing my first romantic suspense novel switched the hard work into fun, and I've not looked back. I love writing about men and women finding each other and falling in love. Along the way, it pleases me to fill their travels with gritty conflicts -- spiced up with lots of humor and seasoned with a few tears, but always with endings that are happy."